What is a plant based diet?

What is a plant based diet?
A plant based diet to me means that the vast majority of calories I consume comes from produce, beans, nuts and seeds, healthy fats, and grains. It means trying to eliminate meat, dairy, eggs, ect. Does that mean I will never again eat meat, dairy, or something that's not good for me? Nope. But I am going to do my best from now on to focus my meals around this healthier form of eating.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Waffles and Hashbrowns

WAFFLE Ingredients:

1 C. Flour (Sometimes we do all wheat, most we do 1/2 wheat and 1/2 white, works good both ways)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 C. Almond Milk (1 T of vinegar or lemonjuice added to it, let sit for 5 mins makes "buttermilk")
1/2 C. Applesauce
1 T Ground Flax Meal (mixed with 2 T water, allow to sit for 5 mins, makes "egg")
2 tsp Baking Powder

Directions: Mix together flour, cinnamon, salt. Then add the Milk, Applesauce, and Flax. Last add the Baking powder. I find that adding the powder last makes them more fluffy. Cook in waffle iron. Longer if you want them more crispy.

I always do about 1 potato per person. Peel and dice potatoes. Also cut up some red and green peppers and some onions. Place in skillet. You can spray the skillet with a little cooking spray if you want. But you DONT have to cook the potatoes in oil! They turn out really great, if you just add a little water to them and cook with a lid. When the water is gone, if they are still not done, add a little more. Make sure not to put too much water though. Keep adding little bits of water when needed until the potatoes are golden brown and soft.

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