What is a plant based diet?

What is a plant based diet?
A plant based diet to me means that the vast majority of calories I consume comes from produce, beans, nuts and seeds, healthy fats, and grains. It means trying to eliminate meat, dairy, eggs, ect. Does that mean I will never again eat meat, dairy, or something that's not good for me? Nope. But I am going to do my best from now on to focus my meals around this healthier form of eating.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hidden Veggie Spaghetti

This is a family favorite. I did this before before starting a plant based diet. Mainly just to get my littles to eat more veggies. It's just a basic speghetti recipe, but with added blended veggies.

In food processor (I use a Ninja), very finely chop veggies of your choice. This is an idea of what I usually use:
1 large carrots, peeled
1/4 of a small broccoli crown
1/4 small cauliflower crown
1 Zuchinni
1 onion
*I sometimes add some fresh mushrooms, but I like them better whole not diced. However the kids will pick them out still whole (sigh) so sometimes I chop them up too.
*1/4 C. chopped spinach (frozen or fresh in your processor, I use which ever I have on hand)

Place the veggies in a skillet and saute with a little veggie broth, water, or tomato sauce until soft.

Then you can either go the easy route and add a jar of spaghetti sauce or

1 can diced or stewed tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 tsp. basil
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. garlic (real or powder)
salt and pepper to taste
1 T. sugar

That completes your sauce!
If you used too many veggies(like I have) just add another can of tomato sauce, and maybe a little more spices to taste.

The veggies look kind of like meat (at least my kids say so) and they can't tell/taste that they are in there. From day one of doing this, switching over from a meat sauce with no veggies, my kids have NEVER complained and gobbled it right up exactly the same. Score!

1 pkg cooked spaghetti noodles

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